What pain reveals

I keep finding that I know myself less than I thought I did.

I don’t remember who said it first, but our hearts have reasons that reason knows nothing of. And I find that to be true in myself.

I am a mystery to me.

But struggle is a clarifier. When I exercise, I find a desire to quit and yet a perseverance within me, both of which I hadn’t realized were there before. When I come up against relational

When I exercise, I find a desire to quit and yet a perseverance within me, both of which I hadn’t realized were there before. When I come up against relational conflict, I find an anger and stubbornness that makes me shake my head and yet I also find a remorse that won’t let go until there is reconciliation. When I struggle vocationally, I find both a fearfulness and a prayerfulness that have both been there all along but which were less close to the surface.

But God has known these things all along. He knows my quality: what is true and what is false; what is fool and what is gold. But he shows me myself in my struggles that I might look to him to refine and purify me into what he knows I can become.

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