Psalm 71

I’m counting on you, Yahweh.
Don’t let me look stupid.
Do right
Because you are right.
Listen and save.
Be my secret hideaway,
Where I can always escape to.
Simply say the word and I’m saved,
My bodyguard against the bullies.
Pull me from the grasp of my haters.
My God, pry open the fingers
They have around my neck.

You are my hope.
It’s as simple as that, King Yahweh.
You have been for as long as I can remember.
I’ve clung to you since I was a baby.
You were the first to hold me
When I was born.
How could I not praise you?
People don’t know what to do with me.
But I know I always have a place with you.
And so I keep talking about you —
Your beauty,
Your goodness,
Your truth.

Don’t toss me in the rag bag,
Like a worn-out shirt,
When I get old.
Don’t give up on me
When my body gives out.
Those haters chip away at my reputation
With each word they say and post,
Waiting for the best opportunity
To crush my soul.
They say, “God’s gone.
Now’s our chance!
There’s no savior in sight.”
Please don’t be far away, God!
Sprint to my side.
I need your help, my God.
Let these soul-killers
Land flat on their faces,
Covered in mud
And blood,
Harming themselves instead of harming me.

I have never been hopeless,
For you are my hope.
The more I learn this truth,
The deeper my praise becomes.
The more you rescue me,
The more I tell stories of how good you are.
I’ve lost count of them already.
I’ll write books about all the great things you’ve done.
I’ll script a play and you’ll be the star.

I’m getting older,
More worn down.
Don’t leave me in some facility
For the abandoned.
I want to tell grandkids
And great-grandkids
My first-hand accounts of your strong love
In action.
They need to hear,
They need to know
About your goodness and justice,
Reaching to the very edge of the universe.
You have done so many amazing things.
Who else is like you?

As I look at my life right now,
All I see is pain and sorrow and death
Coming my way.
It’s not a pretty sight.
But I know your plan for me
Is life.
I may go down to the grave,
But you will raise me up again.
You’ll lead a cheer for me,
Embrace me,
Kiss me,
Comfort me.

I’ll sit at the piano and compose a song
About how you stuck with me,
Proving you are my God.
I’ll get out my guitar
And sing your praises to my voice quits,
O Holy One of Israel.
I’ll shout with joy uncontainable
As my soul sings
My salvation.
I’ll tell stories all day long
Of your goodness and justice.
Because of you,
My haters are now harmless.