Psalm 64

(Worship leader: A David psalm.)

My words are prayers,
Even as I complain, my God.
I need your protection from twisted people.

Their words are plots,
Malicious ones.
So, hide me from this devilish conspiracy.
They shoot off their mouths like guns,
Aiming their deadly words,
Pulling the trigger quickly,
At any innocent straying within their sites.

They high-five each other’s dark designs,
Boasting of how bad they are.
“Who will see my snare?”
They target the vulnerable and say,
“It’s the perfect con!
What a thing of beauty;
What subtle genius.”

But God has them in his sites
And he’ll shoot them down,
He’ll turn their words against them,
The contempt they had for others
Will be the contempt they receive.
When people read the news of their fall,
Fear will follow.
They’ll talk about God this time,
Considering what he has done.

Right-living people will join in the conversation,
Speaking joyfully of Yahweh,
Who has taken such good care of them.
True-hearted people will gush God’s glory.