Psalm 63

(A David psalm from when he was is the Desert of Judah.)

O God!
You’re my God!
I’m desperate, searching for you.
I’m drained dry of you,
Every part of me parched for you.
The desert around me
Matches the desert inside me —
No water in this land,
No God in this soul.

But I remember being so full of you,
Feeling your Presence in worship,
Drinking in your power and glory.
Nothing at all is better than your love,
Even life pales in comparison.
So, my mouth will fill
And spill your glories,
My whole life devoted to praising you,
My arms reaching for the heavens.
Yes, this empty soul will be satisfied
As with the most fantastic of feasts.
And I will sing and sing and sing
For you.

When I can’t sleep,
My thoughts turn to you.
Sometimes, I think of you
Through many dark hours.
I remember how you’ve helped me.
And there on my bed,
I start to sing,
Enfolded in the shadows
Of your eagle wings.
There is the bleak black,
I cling to you
And find your strong hand
Strengthening me.

There are people dead set
On seeing me dead,
But it’s their own deaths that approach.
They’ll get gunned down,
Left for jackals.
The liars will be shut up for good,
But the king will sing to God.
And all who tie themselves to God
Will finally be filled to the full with him.