Psalm 53

(Worship leader: Go full electric on this David-penned rocker.)

Atheists are idiots.
Stupidly godless,
Emptying their lives of God
Empties their lives.
Their hearts cave in on themselves,
Collapsed souls,
Collapsed lives.
All goodness squeezed out,
Leaked out.

God sees everyone
With perfect perspective.
But what does he see?
The wise people seeking God?
Nope. Just the opposite.
Everyone turned away from God,
Turned in on themselves,
Rotting from the inside out.
What’s the count on good-living people?
Zero. A big, fat zero.

With all their education,
How can they be so morally stupid?
No God,
Know nothing.
They’re cannibals,
Eating people for lunch.
Meanwhiles, phantom fears creep in,
Death’s dread darkening
Their lives.
They go on the attack,
But it falls apart,
Leaving them looking moronic,
Because God has rejected
Those who rejected him,
Their bones scattered everywhere.

Give your people some breathing room,
Salvation from your throne-temple Zion.
There’s so much happiness
When God restores his people.