Psalm 41

Aiding the hurting,
The helpless,
The homeless
Is the best kind of living.
And Yahweh takes care
Of care givers
When they need it most.
Yahweh takes of the side
Of people who live this way.
They develop solid reputations
And God doesn’t
Let them down.
The people out to get them
When they get sick,
They get better
Under Yahweh’s care.

So, I prayed,
“Yahweh, heal me.
I messed up badly
And I need you generous
I know what people say about me.
“What a waste of breath.
What a forgettable life.”
My sick-bed visitors talk nice
Empty words,
Only showing up
To gather gossip.
I’m a game to my haters:
Who can come up with
The worst possible death.
“He looks like death warmed over.
He never gets out of bed again.”
Even my best friend
Has joined in with them.

So, get me back on my feet, Yahweh.
I want to prove them wrong.
Show how much you like me.
Make them choke
On their gossip.
I am consistent,
The kind of person
You want with you
To the far end
Of forever.
You’re the best, Yahweh,
Israel’s God.
You always have been,
Always will be.
Oh yes!
Yes and yes and yes!