Psalm 29

(A David psalm.)

Applaud Yahweh, you superstars.
Give a standing ovation for Yahweh,
He’s absolutely stunning.
Make the name Yahweh as famous
As he deserves to be.
Kneel before Yahweh,
He’s so far above all the pretenders.

The Voice echoes
Over the ocean waves.
The glorious God is a thunderclap;
Yahweh thunders over tsunami chaos.
The Voice is electric.
The Voice is majestic.

The Voice shatters cedars;
Yahweh turns Lebanon cedars into splinters.
He makes Lebanon quake like jello,
The north quivers and quails.
The Voice splits the night
With blinding white lightning.
The Voice rattles the desert,
The southern desert rumbles and rolls.

The Voice bends oaks,
Bowing them like worshipers,
Their boughs stripped bare
Before his blast.
And we worshipers whisper,

Yahweh’s dominion even includes
Yahweh’s dominion is absolute,
But get this:
Yahweh uses it to support his people.
Yahweh uses it to give his people peaceful,
Whole lives.