Psalm 119 (E is for He)

Ends determine directions.
And I want to know your wise way
Because my eye is on your finish line.
So, show me your map, Yahweh.
Educate me,
Both in mind and heart
So that I both know and obey
Your torah-way.
Enjoying this life’s journey
Comes from being directed by your
And your commands.
Engage my heart
With your good way of doing life
Not with a me-first selfishness.
Eyes love lies,
So easily dazzled by empty things,
Disappointing things.
Save me from my eyes
By filling me with your word.
Ensure your promises to me,
For I am your servant
And I long to live my life
Oriented toward you.
End my fear of shame,
Knowing your good laws
Lead to good living.
Ravenous for your precepts,
I need your justice to save me.