Psalm 113


You’ve given yourself to Yahweh,
Now give him your praise.
Praise Yahweh by name.
Praise him now.
Praise him always.
Wake up with his name on your lips.
Go to bed still speaking his name.
Praise all day in between.

Yahweh’s greatness
Makes nations look small.
His beauty exceeds the most glorious sunset.
What human can compare with Yahweh our God
Whose throne overshadows all creation?
Even earth and sky are puny
In comparison.

And yet, he pays attention to the poor and needy,
Pulling them out of the dumpster
Society has tossed them into,
Dressing them up in the finest clothes
And seating them among princes and princesses,
Among the best of his people.
And the woman grieving her infertility?
He makes her the heart-happy mother
Of many.
