Psalm 11

There’s no safer place than with Yahweh.
Never has been.
Never will be.

But I hear the so-called faithful whimper,
Longing for the good old days.
“Run for the hills,” they urge.
“These are bad days to be a good person,” they sigh.
“There are secret and sinister plots to take us down,” they whisper.
“Our morals are being bulldozed,” they moan.

Hold on a moment!
Have you forgotten God in your fear?
The one we worship is sitting on his throne.
He hasn’t stopped being king.
He’s not blind.
He sees what’s going on.
Nothing and no one escapes his watchful eye.
He notices every kind and caring deed.
He glares at every destructive and dirty deed.

God will do nuclear,
Obliterating the works of wickedness.
But those who work to make broken lives whole
Will see his face
Lit up with the happiest of smiles.