Hey readers, I need your feedback

I have finished writing a book on the first 50 psalms that is currently being looked at by a publisher. But I’ve been asked to add my own renderings of each of the psalms. So, I’m in the middle of doing just that, which explains why you’re getting deluged by them.

And I’d love your help with them.

Would you be willing to post your comments on the renderings? What is it that articulatsd the feeling of the psalm best for you? What feels wrong or forced? What misses the mark? Where doI push things too far? Where do I hold back too much? Where am I unclear? Where do I make a typo?

I don’t consider myself a poet, but I’ve tried to render each psalm with its own poetry, giving each its own flow, cadence, imagery, and voice.

So, please, chime in and help me finish this book!