600 and counting!

As we finish the first month of 2019, we’ve hit another milestone: 600 blog posts. When I started, I had no idea that we’d get to that many. But you kept reading and encouraging me to write, so I’ve kept writing.

I’ve taken a significant detour in my writing over the past 15 months, focusing a lot on the Psalms. During that time, I finished a writing a book on the first 50 psalms called A User’s Guide to Having a Soul. It’s currently being considered by a publisher. That publisher also encouraged me to dive more fully into the “renderings” of the Psalms that I had begun. I’m now a bit more than halfway through the Psalter. I don’t know what it’s been like for you to read these renderings, but they’ve been so important to me to do. Taking these ancient prayers, songs, and wisdom words and putting them in my own voice has heightened my own praying, as I’ve joined in to the crying out and praising and everything in between. I’ve had some experience in reading and writing poetry but not so much as to every consider myself a poet. So, doing these poetic renderings has been a huge stretch for me. I’m grateful for the feedback I’ve received on them

I’ll let you know if these book projects ever get published. In the meantime, everything I write is a gift to you, passed through me but originating in the Great Giver. So, keep giving these posts away, sharing them with anyone you believe might be encouraged or stretched by them.


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