Author: pete santucci

Pete Santucci loves creation, recreation, and procreation. He is a husband, father, follower of Jesus, and lover of community, hoppy beers & the great outdoors. Along with writing about faith and life, he’s available as a consultant/coach for individuals and churches and is also available as a speaker for churches, retreats, camps, and conferences. Feel free to contact him directly at
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Psalm 68

A rendering of Psalm 68, a psalm of procession into worship which looks forward to a new exodus and a new settling of the land by the renewed people of God. It taunts other gods by giving the Cloud Rider title of Baal to Yahweh and minimizing the mountains they were worshiped on while magnifying Zion, Jerusalem’s temple mount.

Psalm 53

(Worship leader: Go full electric on this David-penned rocker.) Atheists are idiots. Stupidly godless, Emptying their lives of God Empties their lives. Their hearts cave in on themselves, Collapsed souls, Collapsed lives. All goodness squeezed […]